Simple ways to stay fit and healthy during chaotic times.

During this unsettling time of continuous change it is hard to focus on anything apart from latest developments and changes to our normal days.

However, during this time of inevitable heightened stress, anxiety and worry it is more important than ever to look after yourself – on the inside and outside.


I know our days keep changing, with home schooling, restrictions, changes at work, shopping difficulties, isolation, illness but it is important to try to set and maintain a daily routine. This is particularly important for those of you that now have your children at home – they can be learning so much from you right now in the way of resilience, strength, flexibility and adaptability.

Stick to your normal routine as much as possible – bedtime, what time you get up, meal times, working hours (if now working from home), walking the dog, free-time etc. Obviously there can be a degree of flexibility, which is one of the silver linings here ! But do keep your school / working days and hours as normal as possible.

This will help you to feel more comfortable, more in control and more organised.

Focus on what you can control

A lot of stress and anxiety comes from focussing on things that are outside of your control. You try to figure out what is going to happen, you make up stories which are normally fear based and focus on the worst-case scenario.

Limit the amount of time you indulge in the hype – by all means tune into the daily update and look into any specific questions you have but do not spend all your time and energy scrolling through news feeds, social media feeds and talking about it to others. I know this is difficult to do but all we are doing here is feeding the panic. We will get through this, we will not be in this situation forever – it is important that you keep this in mind.

We do not know when this will all be over, but we can do our bit to help out by sticking to the parameters set by the Government.

We cannot control when we will receive financial aid (if needed) but you can bookmark the relevant web pages on and check them once a day to see if any more information has arrived.

What can you do to help your financial situation ? Where can you make savings ? You are already probably making some with not going out as much ! Are there any refunds and discounts that you need to apply for ? (I have just paused my Sky Sports for example.)

If you have found yourself with more free time – how can you make best use of it ? Is there any studying you would like to do to improve your career and future ? Books you have wanted to read for a long time, projects you were thinking about doing that you can now do ? Work on your business rather than in it to improve efficiency, productivity and ultimately profits ?

If you have children now at home – how can you enjoy this home schooling time ? What are the benefits ? Having my 12 year old working in my office with me is great as I am finding out more about what he is learning, his interests and we are exercising together ! I know some of you may be finding this more difficult but by accepting that these next couple of weeks are going to be taking up with school work and going with the flow, rescheduling other things you will find it much easier and less stressful.


OK, so I am not going to say go to your supermarket with a big shopping list because that will cause way too much stress ! But there are some general things you can do to keep your diet healthy and you feeling light, fresh and clean. ·       

  • Drink lots of water, keep a bottle or glass with you at all times.·       

  • Make sure every meal is full of colourful vegetables (there’s plenty on the shelves).·  

  • Include green, leafy veg in as many meals as you can – add to smoothies, sauces, salads, soups.       

  • If you have got some extra time on your hands make home-made meals, freezing left overs or using them over the next day or two.·       

  • Make healthy snacks more accessible than unhealthy snacks by putting them in front of the unhealthy things, taking healthy snacks to work rather than crisps, cakes, biscuits and chocolates. Don’t buy unhealthy snacks - save some money !

  • Make one meal a day free from all refined carbohydrates such as white potatoes, rice, pasta, bread, crackers, cakes etc.        

  • Go for 12 hours between your dinner and breakfast with no calories during those 12 hours – black tea, coffee and fruit / herb teas are fine.


Make the most of the outdoor time we are allowed to have at the moment ! And drag your children with you too if you have them. Go for a run, job, fast walk, cycle, include hills and steps in your walk.

Try to get out of breath for at least 20 minutes, 2 -3 times per week. Put this exercise time into your diary, onto your calendar as you will be much more likely to stick to it. There are lots of free exercise videos online, lots of exercise dvds, lots of stuff on social media. I know it is hard to motivate yourself but once you have done it a few times it does get easier and you will feel great afterwards !

Do some daily stretching – it doesn’t have to be time-consuming. 5 – 10 minutes of stretching will work wonders ! Find a You Tube video or an article or just stretch your body in whatever way feels comfortable, making sure that you protect your back and joints.

Bodyweight exercises – planks, sit ups, squats, press ups, leg raises, lunges, burpees, mountain climbers and variations of all of these. Anything that uses your bodyweight as resistance. Again, there are plenty of workouts online, books and articles providing how to’s, ideas and inspiration.

Healthy Mind

Again, get outdoors. The open space, fresh air and current sunshine all helps to clear your mind, breathe, relax and encourage positivity. Spring is such an uplifting time to be outside.

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Do all the above which will promote feel good endorphins, make you feel more in control, give you some structure, provide you with something else to focus on and help you to feel light, fresh and clean.

It may be tempting, if you are now working from home, have your children home, have to stay inside etc. to not get dressed ! However, getting washed, dressed and ready will put you in a much more productive mindset.

Switch off regularly – meditate, do something that you enjoy, something that absorbs you, do some deep breathing to slow yourself down. This frantic environment we have found ourselves in is not good for our mental health so taking time to slow down and relax is essential.

Be aware of your thoughts and the way you talk to yourself – we are bound to feel a bit negative now and again during this time but do not wallow in these feelings of hopelessness and despair. When you notice that you are feeling down look into it a bit more – what exactly is causing this feeling ? What thoughts are you having ? Are these thoughts / worries realistic ? What can you do to change the way you are thinking about this ? What can you control and how ? What can’t you control and should therefore stop focussing on ?

Be grateful and appreciate everything and everyone you have around you. There is still so much to be grateful for ! Spend some time every morning as you get up and every evening as you go to bed thinking about everything that is right in your world. Do not forget to think about everything that you used to want and have now got !

Join online communities, talk on the phone, use Skype / Zoom / Whatsapp / Messenger to video call – you are not alone and together we are more powerful. Airing your worries, doubts and uncertainties diminish their power and give you the space to look at them logically.

So, just a bit of effort to ;

eat right, exercise regularly, get outdoors, focus on what you can control and the positives, maintain routines with a degree of flexibility, be aware of how your thoughts can help you through this, keep in contact with family, friends and your community

will help you to keep fit, healthy and positive during these unprecedented times and ready and raring to go once it all passes. Who knows – we may all even learn a few things, I know I have already !

Lisa x

If you would like to join a growing, supportive, encouraging community of people that are all working on keeping themselves fit and healthy in mind, body and spirit, please do have a think about joining my Online Healthy Lifestyle Club - we now have a monthly Zumba class and I am currently running weekly group coaching sessions to help members make sense of and get through this current situation.