mBraining Exercises :  

A small selection of exercises that will help you to connect to your heart, head and gut., helping you to feel more balanced, calm and confident within yourself. These exrecises can help when you are struggling to make a decision, can bring more awareness when something feels off and will reconnect you to your intuition or gut instinct. Please nothe these exercises are adapted from the exercises contained with the mBraining book “Using Your Multiple Brains to do Cool Stuff” (I receive a small amount of commission if you purchase this book through this link).

If you would like to book an mBraining session, that will facilitate a growing connection between your heart, head and gut, enabling you to put your past behind you and move forwards please click here or email me at lisajohnson@pearllifestyles.com.

(In order to gain a good awareness and understanding of what is holding you back, to let go of your fears and build a knowledge of the action you need to take to move forwards I would suggest that you have at least 3 sessions.)