School's out for summer !

For those of you that have school-aged children, the alarm is off, the routine has gone haywire and the excitement of a bit of freedom, days out and your summer holiday are running around in your head.

For those that do not have school-aged children you could be enjoying the quieter roads on your way to work, the longer days and the sun (although I am not sure where it has gone today!).

So, how are you feeling ?

I would love to say that I am feeling relaxed, that I have slowed down but I can't !

The thing with the summer holidays is that yes our alarms may have gone off for a while but with the lack of routine comes childcare issues for working parents, endless food shopping for picnics, trying to be Delia Smith and attempting at least some home cooked food in those picnics (have to admit I excel here!), constant organisation of days out, meeting up with friends, trying to amuse the kids ALL the time and the holiday arrangements - pet arrangements, holiday clothes shopping, passports, currency, sun tan lotion (honestly how on earth are we meant to know which is the best one?!).

And when do we get the housework done ? Or don't we for the whole 6 weeks, because we are never in anyway ?

As manic as this all sounds I love the summer holidays, the socialising and the freedom. However, it can be difficult to stay calm and relaxed and it can be even more difficult to find some time for YOU - to just breathe and do nothing for a minute. So you put it off until you get on holiday and then you are so worn out you just flake out and the week or two passes in a blur.

So guys, my message comes to you today to say :

It is ok to just stop for a while, it is ok to do nothing now and again, it is ok to spend some time on YOU.

In fact it is not just ok, it is a necessity if you want to make the most of these precious times with your kids, that you will never get again. When you look after yourself you really can look after your loved ones so much better. When you have time to rest you have plenty of energy for the fun stuff. When you regularly stop and breathe you enjoy everything so much more.

And to say :

You do enough - so stop putting yourself down because you haven't baked scones like that Lisa from Pearl Lifestyles (have a look on Facebook page!), or spent the entire day with your children because you have had to work. YOU DO ENOUGH.

Have a great summer everyone and remember, sometimes the most productive thing you can do is nothing !

Lisa x